Thursday, October 24, 2013

Almost a Steal!!!

I told you I don't like to pay more than $2 or $3 for a knob, and today I didn't.  I was in the New Hobby Lobby in Anaheim Hills on Santa Ana Canyon Road.  (Where Mervyn's used to be)  I found darling knobs on sale for 1/2 price that I just couldn't pass up.  Than I found one of their "Clearance" sections.  Knobs were about 60%-70% off.  Look how cute they are.  I have several pieces of furniture in my garage just waiting for my inspiration juices to flow and I will match up furniture with knobs!!  Stay tuned!!!

The flower is resin.  The turquoise is blinged, than a colorful one,
a metal and resin, and another colorful one.

The orange one is wood, the two pink one's are blinged-rhinestones.
The other three are just colorful and beautiful.

Four of these are metal knobs.  The other one is a clock face.
Can you believe those prices?!!!  Check back and see if you can spot them on a piece of furniture.
                                   Happy shopping and watch for those "Clearance" shelves!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Re-birth For Everything!!

Do you know that I love Thrift Store shopping?  I found this little nightstand one day.  I think I paid about $5.00 for it.  I didn't have a need or any plans for it.  I just liked it and it was very reasonable and I couldn't pass it up, so I bought it.  It ended up sitting in my garage for probably 8 months.  I call it, "living with it" till I get the inspiration of what to do with it.

One day I was sitting in my "Game Room" working on the computer, I turned around and looked at the little table that was on the side of my sofa and thought, "that's cute but nothing special.  What can I do with it?'  After a couple of minutes the "nightstand" popped in my head.  Who says a nightstand has to be by a bed?!

This is the results of those two events.

Notice the dried look of the wood.  It was dirty and scratched.
It was so dull but I thought it had such character.  I love it and I knew it could have a great 2nd life.

 Does this even look like the same wood?  I use a mixture of 3/4 C oil and 1/4 C vinegar.  (No, I am not making salad dressing.)  It can be any kind of vinegar, white or cider, and any kind of oil, olive, vegetable, canola.  You get the idea.  I put it in an empty water bottle so I can shake it up while I work on the project.  I use a clean old tea towel and wipe the furniture with the grain of the wood.  I turn my cloth as it gets dirty so I don't put the dirt back into the piece.  The vinegar cleans it and the oil brings it back to it's glory.  The wood is beautiful now!!  Note:  NOT ALL FURNITURE NEEDS TO BE REFINISHED!!!  Sometimes it just needs to be cleaned.  I didn't use any paint or stain on this!!  I promise!!!


I collect cute knobs when ever I see them CHEAP!!!!  I generally don't pay more than $3 or $4 for one.  And I usually only buy one or two.  But if they're REALLY cheap and REALLY cute, I might buy 5 or 6!!  I very seldom use all the same knobs on a piece.  (Remember me saying I don't follow rules too well?)  I find knobs at Cost Plus World Market, Pier 1 Imports, Anthropologie, Jo-ann's, Thrift Stores, Home Depot... I'm always looking.  (I have a list longer than your kids Christmas lists of things I keep an eye out for)

Once I put it by the sofa and lived with it for a week, I felt it was still lacking something.  It just wasn't "done"!!  I decided to cover the open shelf on the bottom with "something", scrapbooking paper, fabric, contact paper, wallpaper...?  So I was off to Jo-ann's.  My "Game Room" is also my "Travel Room".  It's where all our "tchotchkes" and art and collectibles from our travels are.  So I used that as my inspiration for the fabric I chose.  I love this fabric.  The sales lady told me it is Ernest Hemingway inspired.  Perfect!!
The fabric was $14.99 a yard and I bought 2 yards.  I had a 50% off coupon so it cost me $14.99.  

I used craft glue stick and scrapbooking tape to attach the fabric to the wood.  I wanted as little damage to the wood as possible if I decide to remove it some day.  Also, there is a raw edge of the fabric along the front bottom, so I got a pack of leather cords at Jo-ann's and glued that across the front and up the hump , around the corner, over all the raw edges.  

 Here is the finished project in it's place of honor.  I am so happy and I just love it!!  So much cuter than the table that was there!!!   Stop by and see  it when you're in the neighborhood.

My summary of expenses:

nightstand                                                 5
oil, vinegar, tea towel and empty bottle    0
knobs (I'll guess)                                       7
fabric  (I have 1/2 yd left)                        12
leather strip (what I used from the pack)    1            


Priceless to me!!!

P.S.  I had been looking for a nightstand for the side of my bed for almost a year!!  Wait till you see what I put there!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Let's Go "Organize Crazy"!!!

I am forever organizing my home.  I can't help but look at something that can hold
 or contain something else and I say to myself, "Where can I use that in my home?"  
Well, I'm going start sharing what I feel have been my success stories.  


Organization #1

I found this at Ikea for $7.99

This is what it looks like opened.

                   This is what I did with it:  
                                 I organized all my slips, full and half, and by colors.

                                                 I organized all my scarves by color for 
                                        easy season access.

                                                 I organized my skirts by color and design.

                                               This is the flip slip of my skirts.  
                                I only put the skirts that do not wrinkle, 
                                         the ones that travel well.

 I have found this takes up so much less space .  Plus, I put them away much faster than I did when they were on hangers with several other skirts.

This organizing hanger can be used in every room in your home in so many different ways.  Get creative and have fun and GET ORGANIZED!!!!!

Keep checking back for ORGANIZATION #2.

I dare you to challenge me to your organization dilemma.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

72 hour kit assembly

Our first offer of the 72 hour kits was a BIG success.  
We had over 230 kits ordered.  
We had a great turn out for the assembly on Friday, 
September 27th.  Husbands joined 
wives and the missionaries showed up and did 
they ever help!! Sister Baird and Sister Neilson spent 
about 1 1/2 hours in the morning repacking the kit to get 
everything in it.  We decided we had to do an assembly 
line to get them each packed in the exact same way.  
It worked and everyone pitched in and we couldn't have 
been successful with out each and every one who showed 
up and worked their little hearts out.  

Thank you, each and every one you!!!

The items set up waiting for assembly.

Let the assembly begin

And they worked,

and worked,

and worked.

We even had fun!!

And laughed thru out the night!!

We ran out of a few items. Many stuck around till more 
were delivered. And we got back to work.

All along, the bags were being sealed.

All 230 plus!!

We didn't go home till they were all fill and sealed!!

And then we were done.  They were handed out to those who purchased.  
We cleaned up.  And we went home.  Some a little more beat than others.  
But we were very happy with a very successful Provident Living Activity.

Again, a very heartfelt sincere thank you to all who purchased them
and helped to fill them and make this a success.  

I believe it is time, and perhaps with some urgency, to review the counsel we have received in dealing with our personal and family preparedness. We want to be found with oil in our lamps sufficient to endure to the end. President Spencer W. Kimball admonished us:
“In reviewing the Lord’s counsel to us on the importance of preparedness, I am impressed with the plainness of the message. The Savior made it clear that we cannot place sufficient oil in our preparedness lamps by simply avoiding evil. We must also be anxiously engaged in a positive program of preparation.”      L.Tom Perry October 1995
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